I’ve been out of pocket. Invisible. Out of touch. Incognito.
Since 2020.
But now, I’m back!
In May, I celebrated 22 years as a coach and consultant. But it wasn’t much of a celebration.
I moved last February. And my house has been consuming my energy. I moved to get off the waterfront in Florida and the house I bought needed some remodeling. And, of course, I ran into all kinds of surprises. My mantra is, “It just takes time and money!”
In January 2022, I started a new coaching certification program called Positive Intelligence. I’d been looking at ways to sharpen the saw for a couple of years, but everything I sampled was a regurgitation of my original coach training from the Gestalt Center for Organizational and Systems Development.
I wanted to refresh my approach with a program that had online tools and that would appeal to people who are interested in improving performance. Positive Intelligence is a 6-week program that rewards you for doing incremental mindful meditations throughout your day. Think 2 minutes and you interrupt your Saboteurs – those nasty gremlins who run your monkey brain. Click here for more information.
Just as I was wrapping up the training, I joined an international team of consultants called Amazon Investor Coalition for a year-long grant from the UK government. Our focus is to educate corporations on investment opportunities in the Amazon Rainforest. I brought my expertise in B2B sales and marketing to a team of non-profit professionals, finance experts, and academics. We hosted an online summit with 40 sessions, 200+ experts and founded a grant program to help worthy companies find funding to move their visions forward. I’m very proud of our work and I learned a lot by
working collaboratively with people from the European Union and South America.
So, now I’m back………to offer coaching and consulting with fresh perspective in Positive Intelligence and sustainability experience.
If you are interested in growing sales, I have a theory about sales teams I’m keen to share. If you want to enhance how you show up, Positive Intelligence is a game changer. If you are looking for your next life move (career or retirement), I’ve got tools for that too.
Reach out for a chat. I’d love to hear what’s going on with you.