
Why Storytelling Is Not Enough

How big is your community? Three hundred? Three thousand? Three million? What does it take to go viral? How long will the notoriety last? How does your story connect to the typical consumer? I mean that literally. If you are on the shelf in one of the 40,000...

2021 Planning, Projections and Budgeting

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” is a stalwart adage. “Numbers are the language of business” is another favorite. In 2020, there have been extreme winners and extreme losers. Some people have gained time that used to be spent commuting;...

F*** **U, 2020

Are you ready for 2020 to be over already? It seems like we keep getting hit physically, emotionally, financially, and politically. I wouldn’t blame anyone who wants to just crawl into a ball with their favorite blanket, zone out on Netflix and drink through their...

Team Building is a Matter of Culture

Plant what you want to reap. Company culture results from the organic material you plant. What attitude do you want to have in your company? Collaboration? Results-driven? People first? Strong work ethic? Accountability? Inclusion/diversity? Innovative? Who doesn’t...

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