
Crafting the PERFECT Elevator Speech

An elevator Speech is meant to last the amount of time an elevator ride takes: 30 seconds! It should tell what you do, who you do it for and what the benefit is. It is NOT all about you! What does your audience want to know? What do they need or want in a supplier?...

Creating Promotions that Work in The Specialty Food Trade

First let’s examine why we would discount our products: To gain new wholesale customers To entice new consumers to try us To get better placement in a store, i.e., end-caps, stack displays, cross merchandising To move overstocks or excess inventory due to a label...

Who’s Your Rainmaker?

On Managing a Rainmaker Every business needs a Rainmaker, that person who fills the pipeline, networks like crazy, keeps all the wheels greased, brings in new clients and produces revenue so everyone else has a job. Maybe that person is you; maybe you have to manage...

How to be a (low key) Super Human Selling Machine!

When you think of sales, do you think of back-slapping, joke-telling, insincere extraverts? Or perhaps you think telling a prospect all about your product, your story and your goals is how to sell. Or maybe you think you should have a relationship, so you ask personal...

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