Happy New Year!

Whether you are setting goals, making resolutions, or reflecting on the past, taking the time to reflect is important to your happiness. Knowing yourself and what’s important to you is the compass you’ll continuously use to step into the future. Being true to yourself also provides strength to say a resounding “NO!” to those things that take you away from your intentions.

Messages on what we “should” want abound…..taking us in unsatisfying directions, wasting our time and resources. Learn what your strengths are, how to tap them and how to avoid them when they become overpowering.

If this resonates with you but you want clarity, I suggest developing a process of self-reflection that leads to awareness. There’s an app for that!

As a Positive Intelligence Coach, I provide a free assessment tool and debrief. After that, there is a 6-week program and ongoing support for as long as you are committed.

Email me for more details. Deb@CoachMaz.com

Trends for 2024

I get many industry newsletters……I bet you do, too.

But who has time to really read them all?

Here are my thoughts on what to watch in 2024 and beyond:

  • Innovation has always been important in the specialty and natural food space. But flavor profiles are only one aspect of “what’s new”. Consider sustainability policies, less packaging, health benefits, and best business practices when strategizing about future products and positioning.
  • Sustainability has multiple avenues to impact your business. Better supply chains, regenerative agriculture, waste management, saving natural habitats and honoring diverse cultures to live freely without capitalistic interference.
  • Plant-based diets include meat and fish substitutes, more fruits and vegetables and grains, and healthy processed foods especially for snacking (an American way of life).
  • Wholistic leadership: with multiple generations in the workforce, it’s important to understand yourself and others, to work collaboratively and to manage conflict constructively. Consider your hiring practices and “live, work, play” when building your teams.
  • Food inflation costs: retailers like Aldi’s and Trader Joe’s are thriving while they provide quality store brands and limited but appealing selections. If you can tap into lower price points while addressing any of these other trends, you are sure to have a winning product launch. Dining out has gotten much more expensive. My advice to restauranteurs is to include $10 salads and appetizers and $20 entrees by making smaller portions. On the beverage side, have more $8 options rather than a litany of $16 pours.

I’d love to hear your feedback, what trends you see, and which are successful for you. I can help you sort through those you are working on.

Going to Expo West or Fancy Food?

Read Have the Most Successful Trade Show Ever!

Over four decades in specialty food and hundreds of specialty food and beverage shows, I’ve developed a concise, easy-to-understand, step-by-step formula to help you succeed. You may be considering your first Expo West or Fancy Food Show. Or maybe you’ve done a few already but didn’t get the results you hoped for.

You shouldn’t risk your show investment without a solid plan. Instead, use my easy step-by-step strategy to help maximize your return on investment (ROI). Isn’t it time you made your trade show memorable and profitable? Here’s how!

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